Art Hop 2024: Juried Show
A selection of pieces have also been picked by our juror to be shown in person at The Vaults, Art Hop Site #44!
People’s Choice votes were only counted from Wednesday, September 4th at 9am to Monday, September 9th at noon. Winner will be announced soon! Names are in an alphabetical list first, followed by the full gallery of images of every piece submitted, and then links to the artist member profiles. Juror’s Selections, winners, and Director’s Cut pieces are linked here on the shop page to view and purchase, along with being in person at The Vaults, 28 Howard Street through the end of November, 2024.

Aaron Stein - 'Road Trip In Blue'

Abigail Mercier - 'La Alma de San Luis'
Adam Wager - 'Phases'

Adam Wager - 'Relic'
Alan Chandler - 'Boxelder'
britton blanchard - 'Large Platter with local VT slip and a woodash glaze'
britton blanchard - 'Large Platter with local slip and a woodash glaze'
Ceili Seipke - 'Bedazzled Wallflower'

Ceili Seipke - 'The Differential Diagnosis of Dreams'
Chelsea Kuiper - 'Eye of the Storm'

Chelsea Kuiper - 'Forested mind'
Corey Burdick - 'Streetscape'

CYNTHIA CAGLE - 'Self Portrait'
Dakin Fuller - 'How Do I Attain Authenticity?'

David Griffin - 'Camel's Hump and Foothills'

David Griffin - 'Ribbons of Light'

David Ricketts - 'Ecliptic Memories'
David Ricketts - 'Autobiography'
Edwin Adrian Nieves - 'All Truths Awake In Hopeful Wake Within All Things, Towards One End, Itself A Beginning: All Blooms From Within.'
Edwin Adrian Nieves - 'I Bring You A Sunflower And Still More Than A Sunflower.'
Elena Lazo-Meyer - 'Dreams of Gaia'
Elena Lazo-Meyer - 'Into the Vortex'

Elizabeth Elkins - 'Peach Moon'

Elizabeth Elkins - 'Oysters'
Ellen Afzelius - 'Lives of a Barn'

Ellen Afzelius - 'Fairyland'
Emily Moore - 'Autumn Marsh'

Emily Moore - 'Red Gerberas in Winter'
Emily Treasure Greene - 'Untitled (Horizon)'
Erin Bundock - 'Nana's Haluski'

Germaine Persinger - 'Two Ranunculus'

Giancarlo Filippi - 'We Call it Progress'

Giancarlo Filippi - 'End of the World'

Guy Derry - 'Concorde'
Jacquie O'Brien - 'Flip.Twist.'
Juror's 3rd Place: Jake Barakat - 'Whisper'

jasonartaccount - 'stop saying it’s your favorite'
Jay Gilbert - 'Faces Vessel'

Jay Gilbert - 'Candy Stripe Vessel'

Jazz Heath - 'Two Weeks In Michigan'

Jazz Heath - 'Flower Memories: Queen Ann's Lace'

Jean Kelly - 'Ripening Chairs'

Jean Kelly - 'Summer Field'
Jeffrey Trubisz - 'Rainbow, Saco Bay, Maine'

Jim Bruce - 'Lady Lazarus'

Jim Bruce - 'Amache'
Joanne Gravelin - 'Midnight Bathtub'
Joanne Gravelin - 'Moss Tranquility'

Jon Roberts - 'Outside In'
Juli Badics - 'Ablakon Kopog a Tel | Winter Knocks On The Window'
Juli Badics - 'Spejzen Keresztul | Through The Cellar'
Julian Cardinal - 'Midwest Princess'

Karen Schaefer - 'Remember this landscape'

Kathleen Tumulty - 'Portal Visions'

Kathy Black - 'A Deep Drink'

Kathy Black - 'Goddess of Wisdom, Goddess of War'

Kristina Pentek - 'Storm Rolls In'

Kristina Pentek - 'Seagull At Rest'

Laura Gabert - 'Transcendence'

Linda Blackerby - 'Sunrise in the City'

Linda Blackerby - 'A World of My Own'
Lindsey Centracchio - 'Distance'

Lindsey Centracchio - 'Growing Sideways, Seeing Double'

Longina Smolinski - 'Let’s Go'
Longina Smolinski - 'Dream My Dear Heart, Dream'

Lucy Rollins - 'Seascape'

Lucy Rollins - 'Perch'
Maggie Standley - 'Black & Blue & Red All Over'

Maggie Standley - 'Discrepancies'

Maia Eskenazi - 'Amsterdam'
Maia Eskenazi - 'New York'

Marlena Compton - 'Laughter is Light'
Juror's 1st Place: Matt Larson - 'In beginnings ends #4'

Matthew Gustafson - 'Celeste'

Michael Harrigan - 'Persephone'

Michelle Black - Taking Shape VT - 'Chevron'

Michelle Black - Taking Shape VT - 'Hypnotic'

Michelle Garcia Aguilar - 'Self-Portrait'

Michelle Garcia Aguilar - 'Confident in Chinatown, and?'

Mike Smiles - 'Lucky One'

Orah Moore - 'Conversation with Trees, # 6 (brown and black)'
Orah Moore - 'Conversation with Trees, #8 (Small fir)'
Juror's 2nd Place: Pamela Hunt - 'Sunset on the Farm'
Penni Rand Photography - 'Lofoten Linens'

Penni Rand Photography - 'Still Standing'

Pilar Paulsen - 'I Knew Him, Horacio'

Rachel Martone - 'Find Your Roots'

Rachel Martone - 'Eye for an Eye'
Rebecca Padula - 'Winter Meadow IV'

Rebecca Padula - 'For Spacious Skies'

Savanah Tebeau-Sherry - 'Hide and Seek'
Seb Sweatman - 'Pank'

sharon lamb - 'Loss'
sharon lamb - 'Eclipse'

Sharon Radtke - 'Fluffy Bandit (Raccoon)'
Susannah Sakal - 'The Shape of Water'

Suzanna Miller - 'Comfort'
Teresa Celemin - 'Ginny'
The Awetist - 'Liminal'

Tina & Todd Escaja & T. Brown - '"Share Your COVID Story" or The Impermanence of Memory'

Tom Wright 'Birth of Magical Creature in the Depths'

Tom Wright - 'Gods do not see the intimacy of war'

Tomomi Ueda - 'Waiting'
Tonsenia Yonn - 'Sapiosexual Enlightenment 111'

Tonsenia Yonn - 'Sapiosexual Enlightenment 1111'
Tonya Whitney - 'Middlebury'

Tonya Whitney - 'Happy Birthday'
Tracy Cianciola - 'Staccato'

Tracy Cianciola - 'Summertime in Vermont'

WabiSabi Art (Krissie Zambrano) - 'Duality'
Visit the following SEABA artist member profiles to learn more about them! If you’d like to hear more information about a piece above, such as the size or price, you may email director@seaba.com. Shop all the work that is in the Juror’s Selections here.